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ethical concept中文是什么意思

用"ethical concept"造句"ethical concept"怎么读"ethical concept" in a sentence


  • 伦理概念


  • A brief comment on the ethical concept of donglin school
  • Ecological ethical concept included by laozhuang taoism
  • On yan fu ' s ethical concept in quot; tianyan lun quot; and its influence on chinese traditional concept of ethics
  • The reason is that old ethical concept of life shackles sane people ' s mind and the real economic value of life in society has not in - depth realized
  • Demand exceeds supply on the organ market , and some people want to take organs from the bodies of animals , they would even like to harvest organs from human clones , this is a mistaken ethical concept
  • It comes from the negative influence of ethical concept of taking virtue as basis and wealth as end , the subject idea deep from admire and thanksgiving psychology , inertia psychology to reform of nowadays . ( 3 ) pre - soviet union centralized power factor influence our country ' s development
  • The ethical concept of the criminal evidence law refers to the standards and ideas of ethics , which is of importance in guiding is closely related with the criminal evidence legislation and research and the subjects of criminal evidence law shall observe in collecting and using evidence , testifying and identifying
  • Discoursing upon six important ethical characteristics which electronic culture is taking on , viz . informatization of ethical environment , popularization of ethical concept , commercialization of ethical practice , virtualization of ethical subject , duality of ethical consciousness ; and proposing some fundamental thoughts scenarios to solve the ethical questions and perplexities of electronic culture hereby
  • From the ethical perspective , the basic ethical concepts such as " moral " , " help - reward " , " happiness " and " reputation " are of general significance and truthfully reflect the ethical relationship among humans at that mongol society , present us vividly the special life desires and the corresponding ethical thoughts of nomadic people and provide us a starting point for viewing the social ethical thought in that society
    从伦理学的视角看,其中出现的较有普遍意义的“道” 、 “帮助回报” 、 “幸福” 、 “名誉”等基本伦理概念,比较真实地反映了当时蒙古社会中人们之间的道德关系,生动地展现了游牧人特殊的人生欲求和相应的伦理思想观念,为我们提供了窥见当时社会伦理思想的一个窗口。
用"ethical concept"造句  


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